Violin Lessons: Your First Step
The violin has an amazing reputation. Many people around the world think it produces the most beautiful sounds imaginable, both as a solo instrument and as part of a band, ensemble or orchestra.
When it comes to learning to play the violin, however, the violin has another reputation: it’s difficult.
This reputation isn’t entirely unfounded. Anyone, even the most unschooled musician, can produce a clean piano tone: all you have to do is press one key, and voilà. On the other hand, the violin can require many sessions of lesson and practice to produce one clear tone. On top of that, keeping in tune can be challenging for the violinist. It can often seem that the violin student needs to work twice as hard.
While it’s true that learning the violin requires dedication to learn, this fact shouldn’t intimidate the prospective student. The violin is worth learning to play, and violin lessons are the best way to do it.
Here’s a few reasons why.
Starting Early Helps
Playing the violin requires fine muscle coordination of the hands as well as finely-tuned awareness of bodily posture. Just as children learn languages easier than adults do, they pick up musical concepts easier, as well. On top of that, children have less difficulty fitting their hands to the neck of the instrument. Their muscles, bones and tendons are still forming; compared to adults, children have the advantage of a more flexible muscle memory.
Of course, anyone at any age can pick up and play the violin, but if you have the opportunity to start—start violin lessons as early as you can. You’ll thank yourself later.
Build Patience and Perseverance
This instrument does pose unique challenges, but with the right support in violin lessons, combined with the right teacher, these challenges are enjoyable to overcome. Violinists have a community of their own, and they know what it takes to succeed with the instrument—and your violin teacher is part of this world community. Furthermore, taking violin lessons is not only an education in music but also an education in overcoming challenges. Learning to play this instrument will teach you the life-long skills of patience and perseverance and will reward you with every achievement along the way.
In fact, one article that explores how music benefits scientists and their work showcases how one scientist values the challenge of learning to play: ““There’s an incredible sense of accomplishment when solving a technical issue on the violin, just as when we have a scientific breakthrough. People tend to give up when something gets hard — but that’s not an option in music nor science. I’ve told my daughter that anyone who is good at something has inevitably worked very hard at it. When it gets difficult, that’s when your brain starts making connections and things become easier.”
Violin lessons are a laboratory to test and build your resilience—not just for music but for life.
The Payoff Is Worth It
While the violin may have a steeper learning curve than other instruments, the payoff is absolutely worth it. The violin is loved around the world and in many cultures. Not only will you be able to play and enjoy the instrument you love, you’ll have strengthened your characters in ways that apply to all walks of life: the confidence, dedication, and resolve that you develop as you improve playing the violin will follow you in your other pursuits and endeavours.
MiFa Music & Art School provides the highest quality of instruction for violin lessons. We make sure that any difficulty our students face is merely the prelude to success. Book your free consultation session to get started.