RCM Exam Lessons in North Vancouver

Join our ever-growing family of Piano Players from all ages and levels to discover the very best RCM lessons in North Vancouver.

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Planned RCM lessons

At MiFa Music & Art School, we provide planned lessons to help you reach your optimal level through the curriculum. Students take exams for many reasons. Universities, colleges, and even special high school programs often have RCM prerequisites. Other students use exams to help with goal setting in their studies and find it a useful way to help track progress. Specific diplomas can even count towards high school credit!

The Preparatory Music Lessons provides an in-depth program allowing students to explore basic and advanced courses required of music majors at the university level. The program includes building your skills in music theory, ear-training and sight-singing, music history and appreciation, composition and applied music.

What is RCM?

The Royal Conservatory Music Exam is one of the largest and most respected music education institutions globally. Students who take exams see additional benefits in their daily lives and music training. Here are a few examples:

  • Eligible to win Gold Medal awards from The Royal Conservatory.
  • Many high schools recognize Royalconservatory of music Certificate Program for credit toward graduation.
  • An accredited examiner from the RCM’s College of Examiners provides objective feedback and comments, which can be valuable in developing the student’s skills.
  • Students who participate in RCM examinations tend to become more dedicated to their instruments and practice more often.
  • Achievement in RCM Certificate Program examinations is an impressive addition to any résumé. More than just sharing individuals’ musical accomplishments, it indicates their creativity, willingness to learn, ability to set both short and long-term goals, and commitment to achieving complex tasks.

Get in Touch

We are proud to have a team of musicians and artists who know how to train and inspire students. They are deeply committed to helping them find a meaningful life in music & art.

So get in touch today to begin the journey!

MiFa Music & Art School